Reconnective Healing® and Reconnection® in Milan - Stellarpaths
+39 3474095285
Reconnect your life
through the frequencies of light and information

WHO AM I. The first memories of my life worth to be mentioned in order to define what I am now, regard the meeting with Baba Bedi when I was about 11 years old and the much more precocious vision of some mysterious papers with circles and many symbols, filled out by a family friend.

When I was 14 arrived my first meeting with the Master of my life, Osho. That was the beginning of the Freedom and of every other good thing that can come to my mind.

As regards the famous circle with the symbols, when I was 18, I approached my first astrology book, namely “Astrology, Karma and transformation” by Stephen Arroyo. I took the sannyas, becoming a disciple of Osho and receiving the only name I have ever felt really mine, Ma Dhyan Chameli.

What brings me here is the gratitude. I felt I had to pass it on, which in my case was to receive support, strength, keys to read myself and the world, but also the right creative fury in order to change roughly, when I needed it. I am here also because of my awareness, the one that becomes stronger when we find someone available to be in deep syncronicity with us, just as happens in some sessions to both the individuals involved in the process.

And here I connect to my last (in chronological order) teacher, Eric Pearl, from whom I learnt the Reconnection. In this moment he jumps from an airplane to another traveling all over the planet in order to create a critical mass oriented to a shift in awareness and in this endeavor many of us wish to follow through.